"If you could go for a meal with three people, who would they be and why?"

William Morris: The driving force behind the Arts & Crafts movement – my favourite period of design.

Ray Eames: She was the driving force behind her husband Charles, yet didn't get the credit she deserved.

David Bowie: A musical genius who had an incredibly interesting career and outlook on life.

"Who is your secret crush?"

My man crush is George Clarke, as his spaces are aammaazziiinnngg. I have an obvious crush on Megan Fox like most other human beings.

"What are you afraid of?"

Failure and letting my family down – the single most difficult thing for me to comprehend. Oh, and the sea, the largest space which is still only 5% explored 🀯

"Where did you grow up?"

In a tiny little village called Plumley in Cheshire, where the population is 707 people, but was lucky enough to have the best childhood and find some of my best friends – including my best man and my groomsman.

"Do you have any pets?"

My bearded dragon called Rodney, and my fluffy Labradoodle called Bailey

"What're the three weirdest things you've eaten?"

Fish eyes, BBQ'd bugs & raw prawns – all three were actually pretty tasty.

"Five favourite TV shows?"

This is tough:

The Bear – Although it gives me pure anxiety watching it, it's a work of art.

George Clarke's amazing spaces - my guilty pleasure.

Game of Thrones – Although it takes Emma to explain most things to me.

This Is Us – An emotional rollercoaster.

"What do enjoy doing in your free time?"

I have a passion for running, whether it's rain or shine I'm still happy to go out on a long run.

Spending time with my family and friends.

Going for a walk in the countryside with my wife to be and my daft dog Bailey

Exploring any antique shop

"Where did you meet Emma?"

Tinder…… It's not a romantic love story, but it's our story and I wouldn't change it for the world. 7 years later, we are getting married in November 2024 and have what I hope to be an exciting and happy life together.

"What has been your favourite series to film?"

I'm going to be very Liberal here and sit on the fence, every show is different and equally enjoyable and challenging. Each show marks a different stage throughout my career so they each hold a special place in my heart.

"Favourite country you have visited and why?"

Thailand, I love the culture, the food, the heat, the beaches and how genuinely happy people, are even when the have very little – it's refreshing.

"Where do you see yourself in 10 years?"

Honestly, I never thought I'd have a career in TV, so I'm enjoying just seeing what the world has in store for me. As long as I'm happy and enjoying what I'm doing, whilst having enough money to travel the world with my wife to be and look after my family – I'll be one very happy chappy

"What is the highlight of your career so far?"

Being asked to work on The Godfather of television shows, Antiques Roadshow - I’m not often proud of my achievements, but this was huge for me.